Weekend Islamic School

Our weekend school serves boys and girls 5-13 yrs old and classes will be held on Sundays 9:30AM to 1:30PM. This year, we will be introducing the Montessori Method for the Arabic reading and writing classes, Insha Allah.

Online registration for the Sunday Islamic School 2024-25 is now CLOSED.

We look forward to welcoming your children to another year of Islamic education and growth, insha'Allah.

Jazakum Allahu khayran for your support and cooperation.

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2024-25 ICCSC Weekend Islamic School Quiz Finalists and Winners

Alhamdulilah, what an incredible competition this year! We are so proud of all our students for their hard work and dedication. After many rounds of intense competition, we finally have our winners.

Levels K-2 Finalists: Level K: Rohaan Adnan, Yazan Mohammed, Ellora Sayeed | Level 1A: Nadine Jebali, Ali Moustafa, Janna Talbi | Level 1B: Amal Mohamed, Al Kaysan Saabibuddin, Ishan Sayeed, Mohammed Siddik | Level 2: Omar Moustafa, Zainab Sarina

Round 1 Top 10 Finalists: Level 3: Saabituddin Al Jaban, Idris Mohamed, Alya Rahma, Talya Rahma, Salma Talbi | Level 4: Anum Fatima | Level 5: Naziabegum Ahamadali Malak Rahma | Level 7: Mahdiya Sana, Karim Badi.

Overall Winners: 1st Place: Anum Fatima (middle) | 2nd Place: Al-Jaban Saabituddin (left) | 3rd Place: Mahdiya Sana (right).

To all participants, you should feel extremely accomplished. Mabrook to all!

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

"The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim."
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74